Thursday, January 29, 2009

The use of drawing of a graph

Why do we need to draw a graph?

What is meant when a curve or stright line cuts the x-axis?

When a curve or stright line cuts the x-axis, does that have a significance in real life?

What is meant when a curve or stright line cuts the y-axis?

When a curve or stright line cuts the y-axis, does that have a significance in real life?

What is meant by y-intercept, x-intercept?

Features of a graph

The main features of a graph are as follows:
- the understanding of vertical and horizontal
- x-axis
- y-axis
- a point
- resulting shape by connecting points
- what does x = 0 mean
- what does y = 0 mean

What really is a graph

A graph is usually define as an x-axis against a y-axis.
What do you understand by a graph and the use of a graph?

What is a variable

How will you explain the following
1.) 14 - 8
2.) What is my change, if I had $14 and I bought a sandwich for $8?
3.) What is my change, if I had $14 and I bought two CDs, each $4 each?
4.) If I had $14 and I bought 2 blank CDs and received $6 change, what is the price of a CD?